
Easily extract related keywords using Keyword Planner

Easily extract related keywords using Keyword Planner

Easily extract related keywords using Keyword Planner

If you run a website or blog, you probably know that SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the key to increasing visibility. Among them, Google’s Keyword Planner is a powerful tool for building an effective SEO strategy.

This time, we will focus on how to easily extract related keywords using Keyword Planner.


What are related keywords?

Related Keywords are other keywords within the same theme or concept that are related to a particular search query or topic. These keywords are important in the context of search engine optimization (SEO) and digital marketing.

Understanding and selecting relevant keywords is important as part of your website’s content strategy and keyword strategy. Below are the roles and benefits of related keywords.

Improved SEO: Choosing relevant keywords makes it clear that your webpage is related to a specific topic or keyword, which can improve your search engine rankings.

Increase traffic: Incorporating related keywords makes it easier for searchers to access your site with a variety of keywords. This makes it easier to increase traffic to your website.

Improve your content: Use relevant keywords to make your content broader, deeper, and richer. You can provide useful information to your readers.

Competitor analysis: Researching related keywords can also help you understand what keywords your competitors are targeting.

For example, if the topic is “examinations,” related keywords may include “university entrance common test,” “preparatory school fees,” and “Passnavi past questions.” Incorporating these keywords will make it easier to provide content that better matches the user’s search intent.

What are suggested keywords?

On the other hand, “suggested keywords” refer to keywords and phrases that search engines and online services predict and suggest when users enter a search query. This feature is designed to improve your search experience by helping you navigate your search and instantly displaying relevant keyword suggestions.

The main features and uses are explained below.

Search engine suggestions
Major search engines (e.g. Google, Yahoo, Bing) suggest keywords when you type them. It suggests potentially related keywords and phrases as users type their search queries.

Online shopping and input forms
Suggestions are also used in various web services such as online shopping sites and search bars. When a user enters a product name or query, related keywords are suggested to help the user efficiently find the desired information.

keyword planning tool
In the field of marketing and SEO, keyword planning tools often provide suggested keywords. This allows you to understand relevant search queries and topics and use them to inform your content and advertising strategies.

Input completion function
Suggested keywords may be automatically completed when a user types a search query. This saves users the hassle of typing long keywords and phrases, resulting in faster searches.

Suggested keywords improve the usability of search engines and online platforms by understanding user intent and providing search results quickly.

Benefits of being aware of related keywords

Being aware of relevant keywords when it comes to SEO is very important to strengthen the search engine optimization of your website and content and improve your online presence. Below we will discuss its good points and advantages in detail.

Improve search engine rankings

By properly incorporating relevant keywords, your website will appear more frequently on search engine results pages (SERPs) and will be more likely to achieve higher rankings.

Attracting targeted traffic

By consciously choosing relevant keywords, you can more easily appeal to your target user group. This makes your site more accessible to people with relevant search queries.

Utilization of Long-tail keywords

Long-tail keywords represent more specific search queries. By using related keywords, you can find long-tailed keywords that meet your specific needs and attract targeted traffic, rather than general keywords that have high competition.

Improved user experience

Proper use of relevant keywords will help users easily access the information they are looking for. This improves the user experience and increases satisfaction with the site

Internal link optimization

By building an internal link structure using related keywords, you can strengthen the path to related pages on your site. This allows users to quickly access the information they are looking for within your site.

Strengthen content strategy

Creating a content strategy that takes relevant keywords into account will make your content richer and richer. This will improve the quality of your site and make it easier for search engines to rank you.

Competitive analysis and differentiation

Differentiate yourself by finding related keywords that are different from the general keywords that your competitors are targeting. Build your own keyword strategy and differentiate yourself from the competition.

Matching user search intent

By being aware of related keywords, it becomes easier to understand what kind of search intent users have. By providing content accordingly, you can provide useful information to your users.

By strategically selecting relevant keywords and optimizing your content accordingly, you can improve your search engine rankings and improve the user experience.

How to easily extract related keywords

There are several ways to easily extract related keywords. Below are some methods.

Take advantage of Google’s Suggest feature: Type a keyword into Google’s search bar and Google’s Suggest feature will show you related keywords. By using this, you can easily obtain related keywords that are often searched by search engines.

Use keyword planning tools: Google Keyword Planner and other keyword planning tools can help you see search queries related to specific keywords. These tools also show search volume and competition, which can help you plan your SEO strategy.

Competitor analysis: Research your competitors’ websites and see what keywords they are targeting. This will help you find relevant keywords that are effective in your industry.

Use web analytics tools: We use web analytics tools (such as Google Analytics) to analyze our existing traffic and user search queries. This helps you understand what keywords your site visitors are actually using and helps you find related keywords.

Search social media and forums: Look for words and keywords people are using on social media and industry-related forums. This allows you to retrieve keywords related to a particular topic.

Use related keyword extraction tools: There are also tools online that can extract keywords related to a specific keyword all at once. Using these tools, you can easily get a large amount of related keywords.

By using these methods in combination, you can effectively extract related keywords and use them for content strategy and SEO measures.

What is Google Keyword Planner?

Google Keyword Planner is a free online tool provided by Google that is primarily useful for search engine optimization (SEO) and keyword advertising planning for websites and advertising campaigns. Using this tool, you can get an idea of the search volume and competition for a particular keyword, as well as related keywords. Businesses and marketers use Google Keyword Planner to develop effective keyword strategies to improve their rankings in online search results and optimize their advertising campaigns.

How to easily extract related keywords with Google Keyword Planner

Here’s how to easily extract related keywords using Google Keyword Planner.

Log in to Google Ads: To use Google Keyword Planner, you need to be logged in to your Google Ads (formerly AdWords) account. If you don’t have an account, please create one on Google Ads.

Access the tools: Once you’re logged in, go to your Google Ads dashboard and click “Tools” in the top right. Then select “Keyword Planner”.

Get keyword ideas: When you enter Keyword Planner, you’ll see options like “Find new keywords” or “Get keyword ideas.” This is where you enter basic keywords related to your website or product.

See keyword ideas: See search volume and related keyword suggestions for the keyword you enter. You can also see various keyword suggestions in the “Get Keyword Ideas” section.

Filtering and additional information: Analyze the displayed keywords and find the most relevant ones. You can also check information such as search volume and competition level. Refine your keyword list with filtering and additional settings as needed.

Download or save: You also have the option to download and save your selected related keywords. This allows you to compile lists for later use or integrate into other tools and processes.

Google Keyword Planner is free to use, but some features may link to advertising campaigns in your Google Ads account. Through this step, you can effectively research related keywords. This will give you useful information when building your SEO and content strategies.


Get new perspectives and topic ideas by looking at related keywords suggested by Keyword Planner. This allows you to add new elements to your existing content and capture the interest of your readers.

Also, by checking the keywords of your competitors, you can easily understand market trends and trends. Keyword Planner provides these insights, making it a powerful ally in the increasingly competitive online environment.

Attract new traffic and improve your site’s rankings with our easy-to-use keyword planner. Keyword selection and strategic placement can help you reach more readers and more conversions. Please actively use Keyword Planner at the forefront of SEO.


After graduating from university, he got a job at a major prep school. He is involved in student recruitment. He focuses especially on the digital field, increasing sales mainly through homepage SEO/MEO measures, Internet advertising, and content marketing. In the education industry where the birthrate is declining, sales are increasing by 120% every year. After becoming independent, he leveraged the know-how and connections he gained from his prep school days to develop his business, focusing on advertising planning for doctors and dentists, as well as in-house support for SEO, MEO, and internet advertising. He also uses ChatGPT and GoogleBard to write articles.
